Analytics: Who is Visiting and Why?

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Analytics_Who is Visiting & Why_

I’d like to take a moment to discuss something a little different today. This comes from more of the business side of things. As a small business owner myself and the owner of several websites, I’ve had to learn a lot about performance and how to get the best results with the least amount of my time and effort.

What I mean by that is that I’ve had to look at things like who is visiting my site and then I have to start to ask questions about them. Why are they visiting my website? How long are they staying? What are they looking at?

I really just needed to know WHO my site visitors were and WHY they want to visit my site.

In the beginning, I had no idea how to get this information, but then I was introduced to analytics. With an analytics software on your website you can learn more about your site visitors and you can better cater your site to those that are visiting. You will be able to monitor where your visitors are spending most of their time and how long they are on your site.

Having an analytics program has also helped me to better monetize my website. I am able to easily share my analytics with sponsors and they can determine if my readers would be right for their promotions that they want to post. This allows them to see before they even work with me if my site and my readers will be a good fit for them.

Rumor has it that the future of analytics is in embedded bi (business intelligence). What is this? It’s the integration of self-service business intelligence tools into commonly used business applications. Business Intelligence tools support an enhanced user experience with visualization, real-time analytics and interactive reporting.

Why Embed?


Embedding is the modern way of building your platform. Instead of splitting your focus and resources on ad hoc reporting requests, embedded analytics lets you focus more time on your core business while giving you top-tier reporting for your users.

Regardless of how you are running your analytics, we feel that it is a necessary tool to ever website and business owner. Knowing who is visiting your site and why they are visiting is the key to running a sufficient and effective website.

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About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. Good to analyze and be informed of what demographic your viewer/fans are

  2.' Mary Gardner says

    Absolutely knowing who is visiting your site and why is essential to success.

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