Should I Homeschool? Things to Think About

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Should I Homeschool My Children?

Should I homeschool

As much as I love homeschooling, I realize it is not for everyone. Some people have no desire to homeschool and feel that either the public or private school their kids attend is the best route for their family. That’s great! We all have to do what we believe is best for our families. But, I truly believe homeschooling is for just about everyone who has been given a desire to do it. I’ve heard so many people tell me they wish they could homeschool too, but they have anywhere from one to a myriad of reasons why they just can’t do it. I think much of that is because the prospect is overwhelming – trust me, I know. I’ve been there! We were all newbies at one time or another, and we all had many of the same fears and reservations. If you’ve had homeschooling on your heart but think you can’t do it, let me help put some of those fears to rest for you.

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Should I homeschool?

Here are seven of the most common reasons people tell me they can’t homeschool, followed by why you can.

  1. I’m not patient enough to homeschool.

The idea that you must be as patient as a saint to homeschool is completely false. All parents, whether homeschoolers or not, are fallible. As such, many of us struggle with patience. There is no prerequisite patience level that you must attain to homeschool your children. Praying for patience and self control when you feel like you’re going to rip your hair out is something we should be doing as parents anyway – whether you’re dealing with a learning problem or bickering siblings. You will have days where you feel like you weren’t as patient as you should’ve been, but then you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again tomorrow.

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  1. My kids would never listen to me as their teacher.

If you think your kids won’t listen to you as a teacher, I’m guessing you think that because they don’t listen to you as their parent. If your home is lacking in obedience and respect right now, I urge you to find ways to get it back on track. Even sending your kids to school will not remedy that problem. If they don’t obey and respect you, they will likely act the same for their teachers – and you will still have to deal with it when they get home. Don’t let that keep you from homeschooling. Learn ways to get the respect back in your home that your children should have for you so that no matter which educational route you choose, your relationship with your children will be a healthy one.


  1. I need a break from my children.

I totally get this. We all need a break sometimes, but you have to ask yourself if you really need a daily, 7-8 hour break from them, or do you really just need a little alone time a couple evenings per week? Perhaps there is a compromise to be found there.

  1. I’m not smart enough to homeschool.

You are likely much more capable than you give yourself credit for. If you have been through the K-12 public schooling system, you already have a pretty good idea of the material covered. Also, there are all kinds of teacher’s guides, co-op groups, online or DVD courses, and more to help you with subjects that you are less than comfortable with. The homeschool community is full of people who will be more than willing to help you!

  1. Our financial situation requires me to work outside the home.

If you’re in this situation, but you feel a strong desire to homeschool, I’d start looking at all the different options. Is it possible to work from home? Could you have school around your work schedule? Remember homeschooling hours are flexible and work around your family’s schedule. Is your child(ren) old enough to do some of the work while you are at work? Could some good online or DVD courses be a good option?


  1. I can’t afford the curriculum.

You can homeschool on any budget. There are a ton of free and cheap resources out there that are very helpful and adequate. Just ask fellow homeschoolers to help you find them! They are more than happy to share their budget-friendly finds!

  1. My husband isn’t on board with homeschooling.

This is one reason that really does stop you from homeschooling. I would suggest sitting down with him when the house is quiet (kids are in bed, or whatever). Before you do this, have all your ducks in a row and show him why you think this is the very best path for your family. Be gentle, respectful, and loving, but have the evidence. Show him what you would do. Pray that God would reveal the best path for your family to your husband, whether that is homeschooling or public or private schooling. Then trust that God is going to do that, even if you don’t get what you wanted. You may be surprised – your husband may decide on sending your kids to a public or private school at first, but something changes his mind later. Do not nag your husband. The stronger your desire to homeschool, the harder that will be! But, you must trust that God has your family in His hands as you remain faithful.

We hope that this article has been helpful in finding your answer to the question, Should I homeschool?

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. Interesting perspective and valid points. Homeschool is good in it’s way too

  2.' Mary Gardner says

    I agree that homeschooling is not for everyone. However if it is something you want to do it can be so rewarding for parents and children alike. I didn’t homeschool my first four children but have with my fifth for ten years and wish that I had with all of them.

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