Beauty Tips and Secrets for Summer

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Everyone is racing to find the best beauty tips and secrets for summer, right?

We wanted to share a few tips and tricks that you just may be able to pull off at home, by yourself, without spending a ton of money.

1st up on our Beauty Tips and Secrets List is…Seaweed!

Have you ever noticed that spas often have seaweed in a lot of their products? There really is a reason for that…it works! Seaweed has been known to tighten the skin, believe it or not! It actually pulls toxins from the pores and helps draw water out of the fat.

Simply soak sheets of seaweed in water and then press them against the belly and secure with plastic wrap. After about 10 minutes you can remove and rinse. Try it and let us know what you think!

Up next on our Beauty Tips and Secrets List…Get rid of cellulite with coffee grounds.

It’s true, you can actually rub (brewed) raw coffee grounds directly on your skin. You let them sit for a couple of minutes and then rinse them off.  It will remove excess water from the skin so it appears tighter and smoother. We dare you to try it!

And don’t forget to Squat!

Squats may be grueling work, but they really are worth it! Every time you go to do your hair, get ready in the morning or do the dishes try doing squats. You will be impressed at how quickly your bottom and legs start to transform. After doing them for a few days to a week they really do get easier.

Drink up! Drinking at least 8 tall glasses of water a day will not only help you lose the excess water weight, but it will leave you feeling fuller so you won’t want to snack all day long and your skin will become clearer and healthier looking. This is something we all should do every day, but tend to get bored with. Try adding in some fresh or frozen fruits to mix things up a bit. Lemons, limes and strawberries frozen make great additions on a hot summer day.

What are your Beauty Tips and Secrets to get a healthier body for summer?

If you liked this post you should check out the benefits of raw honey and what it can do for your skin.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. Staying hydrated and squatting is great for well being!

  2.' Mary Gardner says

    I have to say squats have always been the best exercise for my legs and back side. I also thing a big beauty tip is never go outside without sunscreen.

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