Brandye’s Testimony

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First off I just have to thank Mandee for inviting me to guest blog over here at She Blogs It. It is such an honor. I think of Mandee as a mentor and to be writing on her blog is so exciting for me!!! Now to why I’m writing 🙂…..

I actually had something almost completed that I wanted to share, but then the last 3 days happened….

brandye's testimony

My husband took a new job, which required us to move (that’s a whole ‘nother testimony!). We are finally settling in and a new school year and football season is upon us. This is the busiest time of the year for us with 6 of our children playing different sports and my husband is a head high school football coach. I have taught kindergarten at a private Christian school the last several years and so with all of us running in so many directions, it keeps us moving! This season isn’t much different, except with the move that meant I had to quit my job and I haven’t found anything yet. I had a few opportunities at a school to apply as a paraprofessional and a couple of other positions. The problem we found with me doing that was childcare. We have 7 children and we have been very fortunate that we’ve been able to make cuts and small sacrifices in order for me to always either be home with our children or work where they could be with me. The positions at a public school meant that my littles couldn’t come with me to work.

So I prayed about it. And I asked that God would open my heart to where He wanted me….where He could use me for His glory. That sounds very “strong Christian” as I write that. But the truth is, I have been scared to death with that prayer! First off, sometimes God pushes us to do things that are out of our comfort zone and when you pray for Him to control your heart, you’re kinda telling Him you’ll do it! Secondly, I did NOT want to leave my babies with someone else. And telling Him that I would work wherever He put me meant that I would be willing to find childcare for them. I seem to thrive on control and praying that you follow God’s lead means ya gotta be ready to trust the unknown….SCARY! And so just as quickly as those doors opened, they closed. And I was left with the option of providing in-home childcare. I have truly felt as though this is what God wants of me.

And as the last few paychecks have come in from my salary for last year, I began to worry.  I began to absolutely question my decision to do in-home childcare. It’s hard to do that without kids and even as I’m writing this post, I have no children signed up for the school year. That means that our already tight budget has now nearly become impossible. Well, impossible for me. 🙂

I found myself over the last week really focusing on questioning if I’m doing what I’m suppose to be doing. I began worrying A LOT about how are we going to eat and make the house payment with me not working. Finally, I said to God, “I don’t know how we are going to eat. I have no kids signed up for the school year but I trust that things are going to fall into place in your time. Please take my worry about the food budget and help me know that you’ve got this.” That was Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening I came home to my neighbor’s pickup truck in my driveway with a truck bed FULL of sweet corn! Then once there was time to talk with my husband that night, he told me that a gentleman we have met twice at a church that we have checked out, said that he had some food for us. He gets food from several different places and since we live in an extremely rural area, he prays over the food and then provides it to those where God leads him.  On Thursday after practice my hubs stopped at the gentleman’s home and picked up the food. It took my husband and 3 of our children to make several trips from the vehicle to the house to bring in all the food. There were boxes and bags full of canned goods, snacks, pastas, and other goodies. And as I stood there, my tears began to flow. I looked at my husband and said, “Wanna see how God answers prayer….look at our packed kitchen with fresh sweet corn and zucchinis and then all the stuff you just brought home!” I began to explain about my worries and how I finally just said, “I will trust You Lord.” And He promises to care for us and provide what we need and He always does just that in His perfect timing! We both stood there and laughed because sometimes when God is pouring out such a blessing, you can’t help but laugh and rejoice.

I still had the burden of making the house payment next week. And in that moment I prayed and thanked Him for the food and I understood that we would not go hungry.  I said that I had no idea where or how the money  would come and that I was sure He would use a very unusual way to provide it because answered prayers seem to come in quite unconventional ways lately, but I knew He would make it happen. Last night there was a school/fall kickoff event. We had a great time! My husband was introduced just before my daughter’s soccer team was about to take the field for the first time and he was able to introduce his team. We enjoyed hotdogs, a great soccer game that my parents got to watch too, meeting new people, getting the kids all set up with school schedules and school supplies. The athletic department had a fundraiser last night as well. It was a “cow patty drop” fundraiser. For a donation to the athletic department you got a square on the field where the cow would “do his business.” If the patty dropped on your spot, you won the grand prize. I won!!!!! I absolutely could not believe it! When we got home and things were quiet, all I could do was giggle. House payment is taken care of….because of a cow patty. LOL LOL LOL Ok, if that’s not unusual, then I don’t know what is! I’m still laughing this morning as I’m sharing with you. I can honestly say that I didn’t see that one coming. J But it reminds me that God has a sense of humor and that I don’t need to see what is around the next corner. I just need to remember that my God has already gone before me and taken care of all my needs. He just wants me to trust that promise.

Matthew 6:25-26

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

About the author:

Brandye is owner of the blog, Giggles Boogers & Chaos. Check it out! brandye2

I’m a mama to 7 bright lights and a wife to a very sweet football coach. I began blogging as a way to share my experiences and thoughts with other mamas in hopes of making a difference. I grew up in the hills of eastern KY, but I currently live in central Ohio on our “mini-farm” with my family, 2 dogs, 2 kitties, 2 roosters and 16 chickens! I love to write, sing at the top of my lungs in my car and be my family’s biggest cheerleader. I have learned over the years that my plan was not God’s plan…His was much better!

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. We are hitting busy season too and I am terrified. This is thr first year I will have all three boys in sports and school.

    • Oh I know the feeling Michelle! We have 5 boys, but 3 of them are playing sports. I can’t imagine how busy Brandye must be with 6 of her 7 playing sports! She’s super Momma! 😉

  2. I’m pretty sure I’m just super crazy! 🙂
    Michelle….just keep reminding yourself, as long as you don’t forget anyone anywhere….you’re on top of things! lol Its my mantra when I’m in this busy season.

    • Haha! Great pointer Brandye! You know, I do a head count every time I go to leave! The other day I went somewhere with only 2 kids and kept feeling like I was forgetting something! Nope, Dad had the others! 😉

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