Cleaning Tips

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Most of us don’t really like to clean, however it is something that must be done. I am always looking for ways to get the job done without a lot of effort. Below are a few tips that may help you along the way.

Cleaning artificial plants:

Place the plant in a paper bag and ad about 1/4 cup of salt to the bag. Shake for 30 seconds. That’s it! The salt should unlock the dust and grime from your plant leaving you a nice clean plant.

Stinky Garbage Disposals:

Toss the peel of an orange down the drain and run the disposal for about 30 seconds. The acids in the orange will neutralize odors and scour away food particles from the blade.

Soap Scum and Stains on Dishes:

If you are using a dishwasher and are finding stains on your dishes or in the dishwasher itself, purchase a bottle of LemiShine (we buys ours at Wal-Mart). Put the LemiShine in the Pre-Wash section of the dishwasher and your soap in the regular section. Run a regular cycle and voila, your dishes are clean! (You may have to do this a couple of times for the dishwasher to really get clean.)

Cleaning the Inside of the Microwave:

The inside of the microwave can be one of those things you tend to put off, however it doesn’t have to be. Place the rinds from about 4 oranges in a microwave safe bowl into the microwave and cover with water. Heat on high for about 5 minutes. You also might try placing Dawn dish soap into a bowl and cook on high for 5 minutes. The steam from the water will help loosen the dirty particles inside the microwave making them easy for you to wipe clean.

Clean Diamonds:

Soak your diamond jewelry in rubbing alcohol for about 30 minutes. Pull them out, rinse in warm water and rub with a soft toothbrush.

Cleaning Hardwood Floors:

Boil a kettle of water, pour into a bucket and add 3 black tea bags. (Sweep floor while you wait for tea to mix). Now, dip mop into the tea bucket and mop the floor. The tea will bring out the wood’s natural color and shine.

Cleaning Glass:

Spray White Vinegar onto the glass and wipe with a coffee filter. Not only are coffee filters inexpensive, but they will leave the mirror or glass streak-free.

Carpet Stains:

Spray Windex with Vinegar or simply White Vinegar onto the carpet and scrub.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. Ugh, as I look around my house. I should be cleaning not reading blogs.

  2. Ohh, thanks for these tips! I especially like the one for using tea to clean hardwood floors!

  3. Great tips! I love me some vinegar for cleaning!

  4. Thanks for the tips! I concur with Lisa & need to stop reading & start cleaning! Question..I’m in the south so we only drink sweet iced tea, of course!! So, the black tea bag thing for the hardwood floors, is that a flavor or can you use a regular tea bag? Sorry, just not familiar with black tea.

    • Yes, black tea would be regular tea, not green tea or anything along those lines. I hope this helps! And I LOVE the sweet iced tea in the south! 🙂

  5. I really like the one for using tea to clean hardwood floors. I am going to try it immediately!

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