Get Them Checked- Take Care of Your Body

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This post is sponsored by Berardi Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery.

Get Them Checked-Take Care of Your Body

It’s no lie, most people aren’t comfortable talking about their body parts, especially their breasts, however it is something we should all take the time to learn more about. You don’t have to scream it in the streets or anything, but please take some time to better inform yourself about breast cancer and other conditions that can affect the breasts.

Today we wanted to take a moment to share some things that are often misunderstood about the breasts.

It is very important that you take the time to do self-exams on your breasts at home. You can do this while in the shower, and it really only takes a couple of minutes (if that). If you do notice changes in your breasts you should make an appointment with your physician to have them looked at.

Do not panic if one day you notice changes in your breast. It is not uncommon for women to develop lumps or changes in their breasts as they age, however you should always have these checked out for peace of mind and to make sure it is nothing serious.

Many people believe that breast implants can raise your risk for cancer, however according to research, women with breast implants are at no greater risk of getting breast cancer.  With that being said, standard mammograms don’t always work as well on women who have breast implants, so additional X-rays are sometimes needed to more fully examine breast tissue. If you are considering plastic surgery, be sure to view the best plastic surgeon for the most advanced and safest options in breast augmentation.

And of course, get those mammograms done. The US Preventative Service Task Force recommends that women over the age of 50 have mammograms performed every 2 years for preventative measures.

If you or a loved one are affected by breast cancer and you need a mastectomy, you have a choice to rebuild the shape of the breast by having breast reconstruction performed. With modern-day medical options, breast reconstruction is a great option for those interested in keeping the breasts. If you’re considering breast reconstruction, opt for a top breast reconstruction plastic surgeon in Scottsdale.

We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you will take the time to check your breasts and speak with your doctor if you have any changes arise.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.

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