Just Go With It…

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Over the years I have come to learn that life can change in an instant. One minute you can be walking down a path and the next minute you find yourself winding and weaving, sometimes swimming with no shore in site, and other times you are skipping along merrily. You just really never know what turn life will take.


Think about it though. How boring would our lives be if we woke up every morning knowing exactly what was going to happen before it ever even happened. Yeah, we are all going to face challenges. Even those that appear to have it all together have faced challenges in their life. You know what the difference is in those that overcome the challenges and those that don’t?  It’s taking the bad and turning it into something positive. Being able to look past all of the negative.

Yeah, it might be raining where you’re at, but the rainbow doesn’t come without the rain.

Am I right?

Are you focusing on all of the negative things in life or are you tossing them aside and looking past them into the bright future ahead? That rainbow is up there for all of us. We just need to look past the dark clouds…

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. mjg0054@yahoo.com' Mary Gardner says

    You are so right. It is hard to look past the negative and turn things into a positive but it is so worth it when you do.

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