Kroger Brand BBQ Party (I’m a BzzAgent)

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If I had to name just one thing that I love during the summer, it would definitely be BBQs with my family.

I am a BzzAgent and we recently received free product coupons from Kroger to review their slider burgers, potato chips, ice cream and soda pop. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful combination? We think so, and since we love having BBQ’s they came at the perfect time!
I watch my nephews during the week, so we waited until they were over visiting and I had 7 BOYS in my home to try out all of the products. We picked up Blue Raspberry Big K soda, which the kids LOVED!

The slider burgers were perfect size for the younger boys and the older boys ate several, but agreed that they were fun to eat. I have to say, I thought they were fun myself. The potato chips were delicious, just as good as any name brand potato chips we have had, only much less expensive.

One thing I love is that the Kroger ground beef burgers are 100% ground beef and turkey burgers (they are seasoned—which is great!) They are the perfect portions for all burger creations and cook perfectly on the grill as well.

The new Kroger Cheddar and Sour Cream Ripples Potato Chips were a big hit in our house! This has always been a favorite in our home and the Kroger brand definitely did not disappoint.

I have to say that the one product that I thought really made the meal were the buns! Not only were they tiny, but they were so darn cute! Kroger slider buns are the perfect addition to a kids/family BBQ.

If your family is planning a BBQ (4th of July is right around the corner) you should check out the products at Kroger!

*We received free products to facilitate this review. We only give honest reviews.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1.' Tracie Cooper says

    I love shopping at Kroger!

  2.' Mary Gardner says

    That sounds like a fun taste test!

  3.' Dana Rodriguez says

    They recently opened a Kroger near our home. Friendly staff and great prices!

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