Not Frugal, Just Smart #ad #Groupon

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This post is sponsored by Groupon. All opinions expressed are our own.

My friends may have referred to me as the frugal friend from time to time, but I like to say that I’m just smart with my money. I like to think things through before making purchases and I like to search for deals. Do I love to shop? I sure do! However, I really enjoy finding a good deal!


One way that I can shop, support local businesses and find amazing deals is through Groupon.

In case you haven’t heard of Groupon, I’d like to explain a little more about them (plus, I’m so used to telling people about how I find great deals that I really just love to talk! haha!)


Groupon is a site (online and mobile) where you can go go to discover and save on amazing things to do, see, eat and buy. No longer will you need to waste you precious time trying to google deals and attractions, now you can go to one site to find all a city has to offer. Groupon is truly redefining how small businesses attract and retain customers by providing them with customizable and scalable marketing tools and services to profitably grow their businesses.

I was really excited to find that Macy’s was offering 30% off through Groupon. There were some things I already had my eye on, however I had held off purchasing simply because they weren’t in my budget. Once I applied my 30% off code that I acquired through Groupon, the items were now right in budget!


Who doesn’t shop Amazon? I mean, we all tend to run straight to Amazon without ever looking for discount codes, am I right? Not anymore! Now you get Amazon coupon codes on Groupon!

I could go on and on, however it would be much easier if you would just have a look at the full list of Groupon merchants for yourself.

Also, if you are mobile, be sure to check out Groupon’s top-rated mobile apps:

Which Groupon merchant is your favorite?

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. I don’t have a favorite. I’m an equal opportunity Groupon Couponer. LOL

  2. I’ve never really been one to stick with one store, so I just hit up Groupon Coupons when I find what I’ve been looking for and see if they have a deal at the store. If not, I’ll look at another store.

    • I do the same thing! I’m all for getting a good deal, even if it means finding a store that is listed on the deal site. 🙂

  3.' robin rue says

    I love Groupon coupons. I use them all the time and love all the money I save by using them!!

  4. Groupon is the absolute best! I love knowing that I’m getting the best bang for my buck! Don’t know what I did without it:)

  5. Groupon is one of my favorite ways to save. They have some great promotions frequently.

  6. I love Groupon. I use it all the time to save money with coupons and on cool experiences

  7.' Dana Vento says

    Groupon Coupon is really helpful, I love using it by saving my budget. All store has a great deal too!

  8. I love Groupon! Whenever I need to purchase something, I always check Groupon coupon first. Love good deals!!

  9. Whenever I need to purchase something, I always check Groupon coupon first. Love good deals!!

  10. I use Groupon, as does my sister.
    There are just so many idea deals out there to utilize this with.

  11. Groupon is an awesome way to save money and it’s definitely one of the best ways to strike a good deal wherever you are. I’ve saved a lot thanks to it!

  12. I’ve been using groupon for a long time especially since it gives you a list of deals of the things that you need. It’s been helping me get the things that I want and need and save money at the same time!

  13.' Jeanine says

    I for sure don’t have a favourite! I think it’s all amazing and groupon is one of my favourites! We’ve saved lots with them!

  14. We love using Groupon in our home. They have so many great deals!

  15.' Katrina gehman says

    i love Groupon. we use it a lot especially when traveling. so many great deals you can’t find anywhere else.

  16. I use Groupon for a ton of things. I can’t really have a favorite!

  17.' Annemarie LeBlanc says

    When my friend introduced this to me years ago, I was hooked. Groupon does have a lot of deals to take advantage of. After all, who does not want to save!

  18.' Catvills says

    I always check the Groupon site for deals! It doesn’t matter if it is just a small purchase or a major appliance. I am sure I can get the savings I need.

  19.' Our Family World says

    I love Groupon. There seems to be a coupon or a good deal on something on Amazon. I usually check their website before I shop. They even have deals on travel too. Amazing.

  20. Amazon and costco is nice on groupon. My dad got a few nice deals a few years back. Nice to know they are still around.

  21.' Sandy Klocinski says

    I don’t really have a favorite. I go where the price is best. Groupon is awesome

  22.' Tracie Cooper says

    Our family loves Groupon and uses them all the time!

  23.' Sandy Klocinski says

    No favorite here. I shop the best deal. How did we live before Groupon?

  24.' Mary Gardner says

    I don’t really have just one or two favorites, but I always try to remember to see what is being offered before I shop.

  25.' Dorothy Boucher says

    I think more and more people are using this Groupon, so many deals and coupons for grocery shopping and so much more.

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