Who Is She?

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She sits by the window in her old rocking chair contemplating the tasks at hand. The sun is shining in on her, yet the sky is cloudy and the day is dreary. She has decisions to make. Rocking…thinking…rocking…thinking. The days seem to be shorter and the work seems to be harder. Life feels like an uphill climb, like so much work. She’s tired.

As the cool breeze blows, she catches her breath, she sighs. Will it ever get any easier? When will she catch her break? She’s working, working real hard, yet nothing seems to be coming of it. As she tries to rest during her down time, she can’t seem to shut her mind off. She’s thinking…constantly thinking, about what could be. Challenges, time and time again. But why?

Wet lashes, a tear wells up in her eyes, it slowly starts to slip away…down her cheek. Eyes tighten, the rocking speeds up, faster and faster. Lost in this world, feeling alone and out of place…she doesn’t fit in. Hoping, wishing, wondering where she’s going from here.

A noise breaks the silence in the air. She’s still for a moment. Wipes away her tears, and a smile starts to creep onto her face.

The sound of feet…little feet rushing into the room. Laughter, a quick breeze rushes by and within an instant her lap is heavy. As he sits looking up at her she can only smile. This…this is why she continues. This is why she fights.

A child can change everything.

Who is she?

She is your Mother, your sister, your best friend…she is You. She is anyone who has ever felt hopeless and helpless.

She is an overcomer, an overachiever, an overworker.

She is a Mother.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. That’s beautiful. I can definitely relate sometimes, especially to the not being able shut my mind off when trying to relax! I’m so bad at that. 🙂

  2. Lovely. So true that we moms can’t shut our minds down when we need to. Just the way we are wired I guess.

  3. Great writing!

  4. Lovely and so well written. I guess we have all felt like this in our lives and children do make a difference and makes life well worth it.

  5. What a lovely way to describe a mom. I hope someday my kids will think of me and all that I do for them this way

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