5 Winner Giveaway- Kiss Naturals |ad| #2017Holiday

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Let’s welcome Kiss Naturals to our Holiday Gift Guide! Their products would make a great gift for Christmas! Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to enter the giveaway. Good Luck!

When kids can create products that they use themselves, it gives them a sense of pride and excitement that can’t come from a video game or iPad app. When founder’s of Kiss Naturals, Mike & Mary, came up with a natural recipe for lip balm that their daughters could use, they had no idea how popular it would become or how many other products they would create! You’ll feel secure in the fact that the ingredients in their products are all natural – so they are safe for your little ones to experiment with and use. Now, Kiss Naturals offers an awesome line of natural DIY products like hair chalk, lava lip gloss, roll-on perfume, bath fizzes and more!

Check out The Binder Ladies’ full review of these awesome products HERE!
Enter to win a Kiss Naturals DIY Kit! Your choice: Lava Lip Gloss, Lip Balm, Glycerin Soap or Bath Fizzie!
The more entries you complete, the better your chance of winning!
This giveaway will run from November 20-30, 2017
The participating bloggers are not responsible for prize shipment, nor were they compensated for this post. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to an email from thebinderladies@gmail.com, to claim their prize, before a new winner is selected. Consider adding this email to your contact list. This giveaway is in no way affiliated with any social media platform. Prize redemption will be verified.
About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. I like the GLYCERINE SOAP MAKING KIT. Thanks.

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