Fashion Forward: Chevron Love

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For those of you that haven’t heard, I started an online boutique. As if I’m not busy enough already, right? I now have 2 blogs, a boutique and I work at my children’s school. Did I mention that I have 5 boys!?

My love for clothing and my desire to shop without all of the guilt is what led me to start my boutique. You see, as a Mom of 5 I have often felt guilty when making a purchase for myself. I have no problem spending money on LEGOS, cleats, Nike shoes, blocks, cars and more, however when I wanted to splurge on myself I couldn’t get past the price tags…gulp. This got me to thinking…what if there were a store where other women like myself could shop without all of the guilt? What if someone were to sell trendy high quality clothing at a fraction of the cost? And that is when I decided…why can’t I be that someone!? And that is how The Paisley Hanger was born. If you haven’t yet visited the site please do so. I would love feedback (good or bad) as we are always looking at ways to improve.

What I would like to do is share my love of fashion with you all on a regular basis. I plan to do a post with different styles I have tried. We encourage you to share your thoughts and share what you like with your friends!

Today I share my love of Chevron (I’m a little obsessed at the moment)!

Paisley Hanger Chevron

I can’t wait to share more photos with you soon!

Oh….and we have more Plus Size clothing coming next week! They are SUPER cute!!!!

Be sure to check out my boutique, The Paisley Hanger. I would love to have you all follow me on social media as well…

Twitter: PaisleyHanger

Facebook: The Paisley Hanger

Instagram: The Paisley Hanger

We like to run Specials on Instagram, so be sure you are following us! 🙂

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.

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