Guest Post: Freezing Your Own Herbs

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First of all I would like to have a huge shout out to Mandee for allowing me to guest blog over on her blog! Thanks for all your guidance in the never dull blogging world and for allowing me to share my cooking wisdom for your readers.
Without further ado, my name is Aimee and I blog over at Captivating Corner Blog.
Come over to the blog and say hi!
 I am a 20 – something blogger who primarily blogs about food, crafts and family friendly activities. I have recently started hosting giveaways as well so those are thrown in between. Captivating Corner is geared to creating “take-away” knowledge to be able to implement in your own captivating corner of your home.
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Today I am going to provide you with knowledge about freezing your own herbs.
Grazing down the grocery store produce, I can hear the “ching” of the cash register adding up my bill and with each fresh produce item that I see, I cannot get away from the price!
While it’s common knowledge that fresher food is healthier for the human body, it is not easy on the wallet.  Herbs are the prime example of a food item that can be grown, frozen and saved for later. When herbs are frozen,  you can enjoy them all year long and still be able to enjoy the same fresh taste.
Coming from the viewpoint that you already have the herbs if they are store bought or home-grown, these next steps will guide you to the preparation of freezing them.
First of all it is important to wash and cut up your herb. Once they have been washed it is super important to make sure that they are dry. This can be accomplished by either pat drying them with a paper towel or place them on a drying rack.
Next place them in a food processor  and add a teaspoon of olive oil.  Pulse them until in small cooking friendly sizes. This size is different based on each person so customize it. For each batch of herbs that are added into the food processor add a teaspoon of olive oil. If you have a bigger food processor then I recommend that you add 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
Once the herb of your choice has been “pulsed” then fill each compartment of the ice cube tray with the herb. Place in freezer. Once the herbs have become solid, then it is best that they are placed in a ziplock bag to preserve the freshness.
That’s it. Simple & Budget Friendly. Enjoy!
About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.

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