How to Save Money Without Stress

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How to Save Money Without Stress

I have spent the last couple of years reading and researching this topic. While I don’t admit to being an expert in the subject, I do feel that the valuable info I have taken from all of my research is definitely worth sharing with my readers.

How to Save Without Stress

Most people have big goals at the beginning of the new year. We are excited about a new year and new changes. Plans to get out of debt, save money, lose weight, get organized and so forth are on our minds. Some of us leap right in, while others spend more time thinking about these goals, but not actually doing something to accomplish them.

Today I am going to share a very simple tip that I feel can really help you get to where you want to be financially in the new year. I’m not saying this tip will make you rich or that it doesn’t take discipline, but it can definitely be a less stressful way to save money.

Many people sit down and budget everything. While this can be great for some people, there are a lot of people that get frustrated tracking every penny they make, trying to figure out what they will spend on needs and wants every month, and giving up things that they love.

I find that it is much easier to plan your savings. One book that I read, The Automatic Millionaire, explains that you need to pay yourself first. I hadn’t thought of this EVER, however it makes complete sense. We work long hard hours, shouldn’t we deserve to reap the benefits ourselves? And I’m not just saying by paying your bills, or treating yourself to dinner. In the book he talks about having a percentage of your pay automatically taken out every week and put into a savings account. I won’t go into detail because it’s your money and you can choose where you put it, but why not put some of your money back for yourself?

How to Save Money Without Stress

In the book I mentioned above, he also talks about how people often say that they don’t have $5-$25 a day to spare. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and not able to save. But then he discusses the “Latte Factor”. He talks about going through one day and just writing down everything we spend money on. How much could you save in one day if you just cut out your coffee shop latte or bagel or whatever it is you get in the mornings? And how much could you save if you were packing your own lunch? You don’t have to cut things out inevitably, but if you just cut out $5 a day for 5 days, that would give you an additional $25 towards savings. That adds up! If you continued to just deposit $25 a week into your savings of choice (bank, IRA, whatever you choose), then you would have an additional $100 a month going in, which equals out to $1,200 in a year! You can add to this as you get used to the savings. I really do recommend getting the above mentioned book so you can learn more about this savings method.

My husband and I choose to invest in real estate. We know that there are risks in rentals and flipping houses, but there can also be great rewards. Even Dave Ramsey has invested in real estate! That tells me something right there!

One book that I read that really got me excited about our real estate ventures was Retire Rich With Rentals. As I mentioned, we have been dabbling in real estate for years, however I love to hear about how others are making it big in real estate and I’m always interested in learning more about investing in rentals. This book got me excited to leverage our money so that we could ultimately be making even more money. If you are thinking about investing your money into real estate, particularly rental properties, then I recommend you read this book and then follow with the Automatic Millionaire. It really doesn’t matter what order you read them in, but if you follow the steps in both books, you could really set yourself up for a nice future.

We hope this post was helpful in teaching you more about How to Save Money Without Stress.

Do you have a tip on How to Save Money Without Stress? Leave it in the comments section. We’d love to hear it.


About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1. I save money when I make my own lunch for work. 🙂

  2. Good ideas of saving money. We pay ourselves first and save for vacations because we are worth it!

  3. When I was working for a big company for many years they gave the option of putting some of the paycheck directly into a savings account. I always did that and raised the amount whenever I got a raise. Was a smart move on my part.

  4.' Angela Saver says

    Great tips and I love the idea of putting money back for yourself and what you enjoy!

  5.' Sara Tarver says

    Good tips for saving money!

  6. Always good to be wise, also consistent when it comes to this topic

  7.' Sandy Klocinski says

    I don’t need to go out and spend more money on new clothes or shoes if I repair what I already have, especially if it’s my favorite pieces.

  8.' Dana Rodriguez says

    I try to budget but I admit I am not the greatest at it. One thing we do to save is only eat out on special occasions.

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