Staying Organized When You Own a Business |AD|

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Staying Organized When You Own a Business(1)

Do you own a business? Do you often struggle with staying organized and on task? We want to share a few tips that can help you stay organized and focus on what really matters when running your own business.

We believe that the key to a successful business is focusing on the important things and making sure you are organized. Below are a few of the things we think you should focus on.

7 Tips to Staying Organized When You Own a Business:

1.) Keep a Planner/Organizer Calendar. Anytime you have appointments or notes, write it in your planner. This will help you ensure you are not late or miss appointments and deadlines.

2.) Data Management: It will be much easier to stay organized if you use something like Profisee master data management to manage your data.

3.) Spreadsheets: When in doubt, make a spreadsheet. I find that putting things in lists or spreadsheets helps me to stay organized and on task. When I have a blog post to write, I will put it into my spreadsheet along with the due date and the info needed. This helps me to stay on task.

4.) De-Clutter: Declutter your office and your desk. Keep things filed away in designated sections in your file cabinet and keep your desk clean and organized so you have a better environment to work in and can stay focused. Clutter can often clutter our minds as well and can lead to less focus and less productivity.

5.) Time Management: It is very important that we spend our time wisely. Setting time aside for each task that needs to be accomplished can be a great way to make sure you are staying on task and not spending too much time on things that aren’t productive.

6.) Hire Help: When you are spending too much time on something that isn’t gaining you a lot in return, you must make a decision as to if this is a task that could be better fit for someone else. Let’s take social media for instance…if you are spending a lot of time on social media and it’s a distraction and hurting your time management, you may consider hiring someone to spend a couple of hours a day working on social media for you.

7.) Block Distractions: This goes hand in hand with some of the above things I have mentioned. I felt it was worth mentioning again. We often become distracted with daily things—social media, cell phones, television, friends, family, you name it! Try to block some of those distractions by working in a quiet space with less access to distracting things. This will help you to be more productive and better use your time.

We hope our Tips to Staying Organized When You Own a Business were helpful.

You might like this post as well—> Don’t Let Distractions Get In Your Way.

Also, check out this post–> Finding Balance.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.


  1.' Sandra Watts says

    I need all the help I can get. I am so unorganized lately.

  2.' Casey Garvey says

    I so needed this article! I love the planner keeping tip!

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