Why I Started This Blog |ad|

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This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own.

Why I StartedThis Blog

When I started my first blog it was more of a journal and a means to keep friends and family up to date on our lives. It later transformed into a “Mom Blog” and a place for me to share my opinion about products, brands and travel. I was also able to share tips and advice with my readers. I loved that, but I knew that I had to start a second blog so that I had a place to share more thoughts…thoughts about life and products and everything in between. I wanted a “Lifestyle” blog. One that people could relate to and they would want to check into often just for updates. I wanted something relevant and fun, but also heart warming and humorous at times as well.

Blogging is a great way to express yourself.

It is also a fun way to work with brands. We have helped many brands promote their products over the years. We’ve reviewed shoes and clothing, attractions, food and more. While I can’t say that I loved every single product that we have tried, I can say that I really enjoyed the process of receiving and reviewing the products. I love working closely with PR Firms (like Nancy Behrman). We have formed great relationships, and I like to say friendships, with a lot of PR agencies over the years. I take great pride in the promotions we do and the thought and time we put into promoting products.

I won’t say that it has all been super easy or that things were just handed to us because we have worked really hard to start and maintain this blog. There were a lot of fees in the beginning. We started with purchasing our hosting and then we went with the paid version of WordPress (mostly because we wanted the freedom to run ads and own our content). Another thing that we did was to hire someone to do the design work on our site. If you are super techy and enjoy this kind of thing, that is great! I’ve tried many times to change my design myself, however I always end up hiring someone that knows what they are doing.

Once the site was up and running we were really able to sit back and enjoy the benefits. I mean, we have maintenance and things pop up here and there, but having this outlet has been a wonderful asset for us. We enjoy having a place where we can share everyday life and ups and downs with all of you.

If you are thinking about starting a blog we recommend you narrow down your niche and decide exactly what you want the blog to do for you before getting started. Choose a niche, a good name (that will last forever) and a great design and get started. 🙂

While you’re at it, check out this interview from the President of Behrman Communications: Nancy Behrman. You also might want to check out this article about the Blogging Basics.

Just remember to not let distractions get in the way of what you want. Check out this post: Distractions: Don’t Let Them Get In Your Way.

Let us know in the comments section below what sort of blog you think best suits you.

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.

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