You Can’t Acheive It if You Don’t Try

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“One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.”

This is a quote, author unknown, that I came across recently. It really got me thinking. How many times have I set out do do something, only to stop and turn in the other direction? Oh, I admit that I have done this time and time again. It’s time to fess up and admit that sometimes when the going gets tough…we give up.

You know what though…

Bill Cosby once said…“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”

I couldn’t agree more. Too often we let the thought of failure or hard work get in the way of us doing something we really want to do.

How many times have you said you were going to lose weight? Be honest now. You don’t have to answer us, just answer yourself. Being honest with ourselves is important. Don’t try to convince yourself that what your doing is right because you know it’s not right. If you have weight to lose or a job to do, try to do it with conviction, knowing that you can do anything you set out to do…and THEN you will be able to accomplish those goals.

If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.

“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.”–(Author unknown).

These are all great quotes that one should live by.

Farrah Gray once said, “Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” We all have a talent. Some of us don’t realize our talents or the extent of them, but we all  have one. I challenge you to start using yours.

Get up, go out and show the world who you are and what you’ve got. It all starts from within though, you must see that you ARE awesome, for how can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?

About Mandee

Hi! I'm Mandee, a super busy, blessed mom to 5 boys. I am the owner of Mandee & Co as well as She Blogs It. I love to write and share my opinions and experiences with everyone.

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